
Europe, the Old World and the cradle of Western thought, is part of the geographic continent Eurasia. It is bordered on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the Mediterranean Sea, on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the southeast by the Black Sea.

Europe is the third most populous continent after Asia and Africa with around 11% of the world’s population and the second smallest in the world by surface area. Europe includes the states of Russia as the largest and the Vatican City as the smallest.

The European land has great variations within relatively small areas; however, in the southern regions the lands are more mountainous, while the north descends from the high Alps through hilly uplands into low plains, which are known as the Great European Plain. There are also some sub-regions, such as the Iberian Peninsula and the Italian Peninsula, containing many plateaus, river valleys and basins.

Europe is the continent where the idea of the Seven Wonders was born, in the classical cultures: Greece and Rome and where the spirit of wonders was conserved during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

European nations dominated the world from XVI century to earlier XX century, teaching throughout world the idea of identifying the wonders of each place. Nowadays, European countries are still amongst the most powerful in the world with the highest GDP and the highest levels of education.

From Lisbon to Moscow and from Oslo to Sicily, there are many wonderful landmarks and landscapes in the entire continent. In Europe, the culture and the spirit of the seven wonders is felt every where, in the old cities, in the amazing palaces, inside the ancient churches, and listening to old tales.

Join us and let's contemplate together, some of the wonders of this ancient continent.

Delta Works

The flooding of the Netherlands in 1953 made it very clear how vulnerable the land and the people living there were. Therefore with a huge effort, the Delta Works project was made to create a new and better protection to make sure this would not happen again. The Delta Works protects a large area of […]

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Temple of Artemis

This wonder of the ancient world is also known as the Temple of Diana. The temple was located in Ephesus an ancient Greek city around 50 Km from the actual city of Izmir in the territory that today occupies Turkey. The temple was dedicated to Artemis the Greek goddess, the virginal huntress and twin of […]

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Mausoleum of Maussollos

The famous tomb of the king Maussollos of Halicarnassus known as the Mausoleum of Maussollo , which served as tomb for the satrap (a local governor) of the Persian empire and his wife (who was also his sister) was considered by the ancient Greeks one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The tomb was […]

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Channel Tunnel

The Channel Tunnel also called the Euro Tunnel is a rail link under the English Channel between Cheriton near Folkestone, Kent, and Coquelles near Calais. The tunnel is one of the greatest civil engineering projects of the 20th century, has an ultimate design capacity of 600 trains per day each way. The Channel Tunnel is […]

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Statue of Zeus at Olympia

It is one of the ancient Seven Wonders of the World that was listed by Herodotus in his famous list. The statue was 12 meters (39 feet) tall. Herodotus said that statue occupied a whole room at western of the temple o Zeus in Olympia (about 150 Km west of Athens), the city where Greeks […]

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Rome was a center of learning, trade and commerce for ages and has contributed significantly in the development of these areas. The origination of the word “Coliseum”, probably come from colossal statue of Nero which once stood near the stadium. The discussion of Rome would be unfinished without the description of so the much talked […]

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Colossus of Rhodes

This wonder of the ancient World was located in the Greek Island of Rhodes. It was a giant statue of bronze, constructed in the III century BC as the representation of the god Helios. According to the legend, the Island of Rhodes was famous for its technology advances , mainly war machines. One of the […]

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