Xel Há Park

The natural site of Xel Há, or Xelhá written in Spanish, is a Maya term which means spring (xel) and water (ha’) referring to the place where the water rises.

It is located on the Caribbean coast, in the Mexican State of Quintana Roo, within the Riviera Maya, about 122 kilometres to the south of Cancún, 240 kilometres to the north of Chetumal, and about 13 kilometres to the north of the Archaeological Site of Tulum, passing through the Cancún-Tulum road.

The turquoise lagoon of smooth running currents and exuberant jungle is the wonderful place close to the sea. This aquatic paradise unique in the world houses more than 300 different species of Flora and Fauna, which are able to see either by walking, little trains, or bicycles.

The cove is a natural aquarium where inhabit hundreds of marine species, several tropical fishes, and plentiful flora. Among their typical fauna founded in Xel Há, it is very recognizable 100 species of birds and 350 species of plants.

There is a place, located in the north of the park, where is able to swim with dolphins. As same as, The Turtles Reserve, that from April to November annually comes to nest around 20,000 baby turtles which are set free.

It is also under Research in order to learn more about marine life finding out the ways to contribute with the ecological maintenance of this gorgeous area. Here is also able to see those 3 manatees that found refuge in this natural sanctuary.

Across the entrance of the lagoon there is a shark barrier allowing the public to swim and snorkel in the lagoon. The limestone underwater has been eroded into multitudinous small caves and innumerous grottos.

Some of the principal activities offered by the park are snorkelling, scuba diving, dolphins swimming, etc. but, there are also overland activities to enjoy with the family, like the excursion of the Sendero de la Conciencia which talks about how to take care the environment.

You are able to cross over the Laminate Bridge with 80m of height to enjoy of a marvellous view of the nature; the Reforestation Area into the jungle called Chacahs’ Garden where many celebrities have collaborated planting a tree; and many more.

The Park opens at 8:30am and closes at 6pm.


According to the scientific studies, Xelhá was already a mercantile Maya harbour. At those times, it was used as a principal and important place of commercial interchange between the coastal mariners and the Maya villages of the Region.

View of Xel Há ParkOne of the typical legends tells that this place was created by the Maya gods, who when were pleased by it magic construction, one of the most perfect, they called Xel Há.

The attraction park was founded in 1980, and since 1995 it has been managed and marketed by the International Private Company Promotora Xel Ha S.A.; and nowadays, Xel Há Park is one of the principal attractions of Cancún, and precisely its cove formed by the flowing rivers through the rocks mixing the water sea with the fresh subterranean currents of sweet water.

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