Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães is a conservation unit in south-central of Brazil, located in Mato Grosso, in the municipality of Chapada dos Guimarães at 40 miles north of Cuiabá, with a total area of 330 square kilometers.
This range is surrounded by Brazilian savannas (also known as cerrado) and the Amazon rainforest. It marks the transition zone between the Paraguay and Amazon River basins.
Chapada dos Guimarães is one of the most beautiful whit its unusual red rock formations, interesting cave systems, green valleys and fields offer a closed hearing break. Formations such as: The Champiñón de Piedra, Furada, Jacaré de Pedra, Office of sacrifice, the Gate of Hell and the City of Stone.
Out of all these wonders, there are about 100 waterfalls, many caves, grottoes, also more than 46 sites that shows pictures and inscriptions rock and the fossils of prehistoric animals, a real treasure for humanity.
The main attractions are the waterfalls of the Velo de la Novia (86 meters drop), the Circuito de las Cataratas (of seven waterfalls), and the Morro de San Geronimo (836 meters above sea level and accessible by foot). The Morro de San Geronimo is considered mystical by visitors and residents, who claim to see gnomes, elves, fairies and ufos (Unidentified flying object).
Among the animals that live in the park are the wolf-Guara, foxes, tapirs, armadillos, ounces (brown, black, and painted), macaws, toucans, maritacas, kites and vultures-king. Composite closed almost throughout the park, the vegetation is predominant attention in place, and closed only kill the cannons. The pequi and IPE are the main trees.
The park is home to a variety of birds not found in the Pantanal. Such as: Red-legged Seriema, White-collared Swift, Biscutate Swift, White-eared Puffbird, Collared Crescent-chest, White-banded Tanager, White-rumped Tanager, Coal-crested Finch, Plumbeous Seedeater, Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch, and Yellow-billed Blue Finch. Birds to be found around the cliffs include Blue-winged Macaw, Red-and-green Macaw, Crested Black-Tyrant, and Cliff Flycatcher.
Also you can visit the Cavern Aroe Jari and Blue Lake is considered one of the biggest caverns of sandstone of Brazil, with approximately 1.400m of length. In their interior diverse waterfalls beyond the Blue Lake exist, a crystalline blue water native swimming pool that reflects in the walls.
The park is 13 kilometers from the city; it offers parking, restaurant, kiosks and small craft shops in addition to a focus the visitor.
The Plateau where the park is located was created about 15 million years ago and extends on 6249 square kilometers. It is situated in geological centre of the South American continent, with an altitude up to 900 meters above the sea level.
The reserve was created in 1989 to preserve dozens of waterfalls, lookouts, rock formations, cave paintings and trails in the midst of the typical vegetation of the place.
The climate in the region is semi-humid, with average annual temperatures of 24ºC, and highs of 30ºC and lows of 18ºC. The rainy season is between the months of December and April. The pleasant climate with low temperatures is in winter, mainly in July and August.
Chapada dos Guimarães, has the national and international recognition as one of the best ecotourism destinations in Brazil.