
Chachapoyas is a province of the Peruvian region of Amazonas, whose capital is Chachapoyas city, which is also the capital of the region. The province has around 49 573 inhabitants and is divided into 21 districts. Most part of the province is in the Andean region; nevertheless, some of the most important cities such as the capital are in the high jungle.

The Chachapoyas province has a nice climate with an average temperature of 18º C (64ºF) and a rate of humidity of 74%. There are frequent precipitations in the zone mainly during the wet season, being the rate of rainfall around 777.8 mm (30 inches) per year. The best time to visit Chachapoyas and the Amazonas department is during the dry season between May and October.

Waterfall of Gocta in ChachapoyasChachapoyas city, the capital of the region, is located in the center of the Amazonas region at an elevation of 2234 meters above sea level (7657 feet).

The city‘s population is around 20 279 inhabitants. It was founded on September 5, 1538 by the Spanish Alonso de Alvarado with the name of San Juan de la Frontera de Chachapoyas, as an advance point towards the east to search the mythical “Dorado”. Both the city and the province owe their name to the Chachapoyas culture whose name means people of the cloud forest.

This pre Colombian culture lived in this region between the XIX century and the XVI century and they constructed some important cities and monuments, being the most famous, the Fortress of Kuelap, an impressive place that is located to 35 Kilometers from Chachapoyas city. Chachapoyas is one of the oldest cities of Peru and maintains still its Spanish influence due its relative isolation from tourism.

Some of the main landmarks of the city are the Independence Square (dedicated to the heroes of the Higos Urco battle against the colonial Spanish army in the Peruvian Independence war) and the Cerro Luya Urco (a place where according to the legend, Saint Toribio of Mogrovejo did sprout water from a rock).

You can also visit Legon Hill , the Lagoon of the condors (surrounded by ancient Chachapoyas tombs and mummies), the waterfall of Gocta (771 meters height) and of course the Kuelap Fortress, which is definitely the main attraction of the region.

Currently, the economy of the region depends mainly of the agriculture, which includes mainly rice, orchid, sugar cane and coffee. Nevertheless, step by step, tourism is becoming an important activity. Chachapoyas has an acceptable hotel infrastructure, able to satisfy most demands of any visitor.

Besides, Chachapoyas city has also several restaurants where it can enjoy the International dishes and the excellent Peruvian dishes. Some of the most representative dishes of the region are: “cecina”, “cazuela” (lamb cooked with white wine), “humitas de choclo” (sweet corn tamales), “mote” (boiled corn kernels), amongst others.

This region is also an excellent place to practice adventure sports, because of its beautiful rivers and mountains.

Chachapoyas city can be reached by plane from Lima and by car from several cities of the Peruvian northern coast. The trip by car between Lima and Chachapoyas lasts around 30 hours. Nevertheless, a nice option is to fly from Lima to Lambayeque and take a bus from Lambayeque to Chachapoyas , this option is less expensive and takes less time.

Chachapoyas is a door to the adventure in a world of lost civilizations and ancient ruins. It is a beautiful region with snowcapped volcanoes, glaciers, mountains and rivers gorges.

It is a welcoming and quiet region surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, with a nice climate and hospitable people, one of the most amazing zones of Peru and South America.


Kuelap is an impressive pre Colombian fortress that is located on the banks of the Utcubamba River in the Peruvian region of Amazonas near (35 Kilometers) Chachapoyas city. This fortress was constructed by the Chachapoyas culture which inhabited this region around 800 AD. Kuelap is one of the few remains of the Chachapoyas culture which […]

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