
Bahia a state of Brazil and is located in the northeastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast. It is bounded north by the states of Piauhy, Pernambuco and Sergipe, east by Sergipe and the Atlantic, south by Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes, and west by Minas Geraes and Goyaz.

It is the fourth most populous Brazilian state after São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, and the fifth-largest in size. Its population is concentrate mostly along its coast. Also it is one of the most important states in terms of history and culture.

The state includes the geographic regions: the Atlantic (remnants of forest on the Atlantic coast), Reconcavo, Planalto (which includes the legendary region of Bahia).

The second longest river system of Brazil, the Sao Francisco is a permanent river, which continuously supplies water to this arid region when many other smaller rivers dry out. The large blue spot at the north is a huge dam built to hold water for the hydroelectric plant of Itaparica.

Ilhéus City, Bahia StateImportant cities in the state include Alagoinhas and Born Fim, Cachoeira and Santo Amaro, Caravellas and Ilheos on the southern coast, with tolerably good harbors, Feira de Santa Anna, Jacobina, Ilhéus, Jorge Amado; the old island city of Itaparica, Vitória da Conquista; and Lençóis, in the Chapada Diamantina region.

Bahia is considered to possess the greatest and most distinctive African imprint, in terms of culture and customs, in Brazil.

These include the Yoruba-derived religious system of Candomblé, the martial art of Capoeira, African-derived music such as samba, afoxé, and axé, and a cuisine with strong links to western Africa, brazilian musicians as Dorival Caymmi, João Gilberto, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso and his sister Maria Bethânia, Daniela Mercury, Ivete Sangalo, and Carlinhos Brown, and home to internationally famous groups like Olodum, Ara Ketu, and Ilê Aiyê.

The state has an excellent wide sandy beaches, villages and towns. There are Hotels and Posadas for every taste and budget. The Bahia people are friendly people who love their beaches and love to party.

Bahia is the main producer and exporter of cacao in Brazil. In addition to important agricultural and industrial sectors, the state also has considerable mineral and petroleum deposits. Another major industry is tourism: Bahia's long coastline, the National Park of Chapada Diamantina, in the middle of the state, beautiful beaches and cultural treasures make it one of the Brazil's chief tourist destinations.

In the agricultural regions sugar, cotton, tobacco, cacao, coffee, mandioca and tropical fruits are produced. The exports also include hides, mangabeira rubber, piassava fibre, diamonds, cabinet woods and rum.

The State presents diversified climates and an average rainfall that varies from 363 to 2,000 mm per year. Regarding the weather, Bahia is one of the most privileged states of the country with an annual average of 6.1 °C absolute minimum and 41 °C maximum, depending on the region where you stay or visit.

Chapada Diamantina

Chapada Diamantina National Park or the Brazilian Grand Canyon is just a small part of the Chapada (highlands); it is located approximately 300 kilometers northwest of the Bahia State, Brazil. The park covers an area larger than the Netherlands, an expanse of 38,000 square kilometers stretching as far south as Minas Gerais. The park contains […]

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