The “Baños del Inca” (” Inca’s Bath” or “Inca Baths”) are a set of natural hot springs located to six kilometers of the city of Cajamarca in the north Andean zone of Peru to 2667 meters above sea level.
This recreational and historical complex is composed by several gardens and pools. The average temperatures of these hot mineral springs is around 70ºC (158ºF) and according to the popular belief, the thermal waters possess therapeutic properties for treatment of bone and nervous system disorders; as well as bronchial and rheumatic sufferings.
This is a unique place, because of the great variety of minerals contained in its waters. According to several analysis made here; the waters of the Inca Baths have high concentrations of minerals such as sodium, potassium, lithium, strontium, calcium, iron, magnesium and silica. The waters come from two different sources “Los Perolitos” y “El Tragadero”.
The steaming liquid emerges from the volcanic rock of the subsoil, reaching temperatures between 65ºC (149ºF) and 75 ºC (167ºF). There are many testimonies of people who say have been cured of their disease thanks to these hot springs.
The Inca Baths are very attractive because of its thermal waters; but, it is also surrounded by a beautiful natural environment. There are also many excellent hotels, motels and nice restaurants around the Inca Baths.
The place is composed by a great numbers of pools, most of them constructed recently; therefore, they are very comfortable. Nevertheless, there are also some ancient pools, fountains and old canals, which date from the Inca period.
One of these old pools is the “Poza del Inca” (pool of the Inca), which is 4 meters length, 4 meters wide and 1.7 meters depth. According to historians, this was the pool used by Atahuallpa to relax after the battles.
The historic registers indicate that Incas were the first to use these hot springs for recreation. They named this place “Inti Puquio” that means “Sun Fountain”. Incas constructed several structures around the hot spring to enjoy the relaxed environment of the place.
While Incas ruled, this place was a lordly residential zone, surrounded by beautiful trees and springs. It was a luxury spa for the Inca elite.
According to the tradition Atahuallpa and his entourage were in this place when Spaniards leaded by Pizarro arrived to Cajamarca and took prisoner to Atahuallpa in 1532.
Along the colonial time and the first decades of the Peruvian republican period; the Inca Baths were an important recreational place for the people of the region.
In 1959 by decision of the Peruvian National Congress, the small town around the hot springs became a district, named “Baños del Inca”. Currently, this place is a popular tourist complex that receives daily around 4000 visitors.
It is considered the main tourist attraction of the Cajamarca region. The Inca Baths are to 20 minutes of Cajamarca City by car. If you want to get a personal bath; you must pay $2. This is one of the places that you really must visit if you are in the north of Peru.